Hygrophila difformis, commonly known as water wisteria, is an aquatic plant in the acanthus family. Itξis a beautiful plant that has been in aquarium cultivation for many years.
The lace-like leaves vary in appearance under different conditions. If the water is colder, they will be small, and lobed in appearance, instead of pinnate. If insufficient light is provided, they will only be slightly pinnate.
Coupled with high light and CO2, regular additions of nitrate and phosphate will result in incredibly fast growth.ξFor this reason, Hygrophila difformisξis an excellent candidate for recently setup planted tanks to absorb excess nutrients.
Light Needed:ξMedium
Plant Structure:ξStem
Size:ξIndividual stem width: 5-30cm
Growth Rate:ξVery fast
Can Be Grown Emersed:ξYes